I read books. Mostly travel books.
Johann Schiltberger
Is this guy our average Joe from the Middle Ages?
Michael Holzach
Why is this travelogue one of my favorite books of all time?
Ella Maillart
If Fleming is the more gifted writer, then why is this book better than his?
Peter Fleming
Would a little less irony have made this book even better?
Christopher Columbus
Was this guy an evil proto-colonialist, or was he a sort of likeable dreamer?
Werner Herzog
Is this another candidate for the title of worst travel book ever?
Fernão Mendes Pinto
If this is one of the classics of Portuguese literature, why is it such a slow read?
Johann Christian Hüttner
Why is this missionary’s tale still so refreshing?
Paulo Coelho
Is this the worst travel book anyone could ever imagine, or is it just the worst travel book ever created?
Jon Krakauer
Do we really care whose fault it was, or can we just accept that mountains are deadly sometimes?
Bruce Chatwin
Is this travel book classic from the 1980s awesome, or is it maybe just a tiny bit whacky?
Marco Polo
Why is this one still so good today, even though a lot of it is untrue?